Festival office
and address
ul. Twardowskiego 102/1
30-346 Kraków
+48 693 589 391
E-mail adress
Data for issuing invoices
Fundacja Aeris Futuro
ul. Głowackiego 1
32-020 Wieliczka
NIP: 9452053376
bank account number: PL 64 1020 2892 0000 5702 0829 5661
Our team
“Hungary and Poland are two eternal oaks, each of them sprouted a separate and distinct trunk, but their roots, spread widely beneath the surface of the earth, became entangled and grew together invisibly. Hence the existence and durability of one is a condition of life and health for the other.”
joanna Mieszkowicz
Artistic director of the Chango Festival in Poland
Gergely Sámsondi
Coordinator of the Chango Festival in Poland, architect and musician