Gyulai Farkas

Farkas Gyula

Farkas Gyulai – violinist, singer, dancer, also plays the koboz, gardon, flutes and, most importantly, is able to teach all this in a very natural and gentle way.

Co-founder of the band Szépszerével (2012), founder of the band Szőrénszálán (2023), with whom he often visits Poland. Sympathy for Poland and Poles has also translated into learning to play Polish traditional melodies and the Polish language. Co-founder and co-organiser of the Czango Festival in Poland (since 2020).

IV Csángó Festival in Poland

Chango dance workshop from Moldova – basic and advanced level

Gimesh chango dance workshop – basic level

Czango instrumental workshop: violin, koboz, gardon

Concert “The riches of chango culture”

Concert “In the Circle of Carpathian Culture”

Dance parties (Friday, Saturday)

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