Dance workshop and dance party on May 23 in Krakow
Join us on Thursday, May 23 from 7:00 pm for a Czango workshop and party with live music in the green center of Krakow.
If you have never danced Czango dances before – don’t be afraid to join us, all dances will be explained on the spot. A perk of the dances may be the fact that most are circle dances, so you don’t need a partner or partner, and the steps are usually simple, although the tempos are sometimes very fast.
The music of the Hungarian Czang tradition (Csángó) is unique, with medieval, gypsy, Jewish, Balkan and even Polish melodies.
The Csángó are a Hungarian-speaking ethnic group from the Moldovan and Gimesz (Gyimes) regions, which lie on both sides of the Eastern Carpathian Mountains, within present-day Romania and once the Kingdom of Hungary.
The program includes dance instruction for beginners (7:00-20:15 pm), followed by a dance party with dance leading, including more advanced dances.
The Oak duo will play, consisting of:
- Farkas Gyulai – violin.
- Jakub Trojanek – koboz lute.
Dance instruction:
- Joanna Mieszkowicz.
- Farkas Gyulai
Talent exchange:
Any support for our grassroots art initiative with a foreign artist is welcome – £50 for both events, £30 for single events, but if anyone has a very difficult situation or other exchange proposal then please write.
We accept only in kind, that is, cash or other donations (last year there were, for example, tortillas).
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