
Sámsondi Gergely

Sámsondi Gergely – is a phenomenal dance musician, a non-stage performer and a pupil of village masters (including Zoltán Vak from Gimesz). He plays the violin, kobos, flutes and dulcimer. Since 1993, he has regularly organised dance houses where he performs as the leader of the Borvíz string band specialising in music from Transylvania, Seklerszczyzna and Bukovina. He is co-founder of the Szépszerével ensemble, with which he has run a dance house on Gellert Hill in Budapest every week since 2008. He is also a teacher of traditional Hungarian melodies and dances and an architect with a preference for truly human- and environment-friendly solutions. Co-founder and co-organiser of the Czango Festival in Poland (since 2020).

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